Monday, June 25, 2012

Ordination Blog

Welcome to my ordination blog!  This is a small webpage started for the convenience of the ordination committee of the Athanasius Presbytery of the Communion of Reformed and Evangelical Churches [CREC] as well as for the Session, Consistory, and Congregation of Trinity Presbyterian Church of Valparaiso, Fl, where I am seeking ordination.  This site is intended to act as a central repository so that rather than receiving individual documents as a series of bulky email attachments, committee members can simply check this link to find the latest versions of my papers, sample audio sermons, and the biographical information that they've requested.  Thank you for visiting.  Your feedback is appreciated!

Sample Sermon #1 - "Peace! Be Still!"; Mark 4.35-41

To access this Sample Trinity Season sermon, preached on June 24, 2012, at Valparaiso, FL, click here.

Sample Sermon #2 - "Easter Sermon"; Luke 24.36-49

To access my Resurrection sermon, preached on April 22, 2012 at Valparaiso, FL, click here.

Sample Sermon #3 - "Christ, the Light of the World"; John 8.12-30

To access this Lenten Sermon, preached in Feb 29, 2012 in Annapolis, MD,  click here.

Sample Sermon #4 - "The Cosmic Clash of Christ, the Light of the World: the context of the most famous verse in the Bible"; John 3.14-21

To access this sermon, preached on Mar 25, 2012 in Annapolis, MD, click here.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

